How We Met

Jose and MariaSo, many of our friends have been asking the all important question, “how did you two meet?” Well, funny they should ask. We met through pretty unconventional means. Or maybe we were just pioneers in the future of social interaction. At any rate, we can partially thank Facebook, and our good friend Daniela.


So, here I am minding my own business on facebook when I get a message out of the blue from this mysterious girl wearing a mask in her profile picture. I have to admit, her picture had caught my attention before, as it kept coming up on my friends list and in the suggestions section.

That very same Friday I invite a bunch of friends to go to Posh, a supper club near Metro Center. My neighbor June, my Line Brother Flavio and Michelle D. and Alexis (of the Barking Dog Salsa Crew fame) come out for dinner. My boy Lino fakes on me. Daniela wants to come out, but she has to rally her girls and wants to make her grand entrance once the dancing starts.

Those that made it there for dinner enjoy their meal, drink wine and enjoy great conversation. After a great meal we make our way to the dance floor. Pretty soon thereafter Daniela, her Line Sister Po and this familiar face come onto the scene. I do a double take and then realize that Daniela’s friend happens to be the person I just exchanged emails with days earlier!


After seeing his name come up on my Facebook suggestions, I realized we had about 10 friends in common. I jogged my memory a bit, and vaguely remembered meeting him through our paisano Luis Campillo several years ago, on a night out in DC. I concluded that since he wasn’t a complete stranger, I would go ahead and add him to my friends’ list. After he accepted my friend request I browsed his page, and briefly, thought of sending him a message. Since I couldn’t really come up with anything, I opted instead to look for an opportunity to leave a comment on his wall, hoping to piqué his interest. In fact, I think I might have made a comment, under his wall posting about George Michael’s (the legendary NBC4 Sportscaster) passing. Well, that didn’t exactly work =P

The Holidays came and went, and still, we hadn’t really broken the ice, so I decided to just get over my shyness and send him a message. At the very least I could ‘re-introduce’ myself, and ask him about his New Year’s, since he was probably thinking that I had randomly added him. Of course, by now, curiosity was getting the best of me. He was clearly a very handsome, fun-loving (exhibit 1: December’s blizzard pics), family oriented (exhibit 2: Cousin night pics) guy. So that first Monday in January, I went ahead and sent him a message.

The rest, as they say, is history.

The Official Record

Here is a recap of how we met via Facebook:

Maria Fernanda Garcia January 5 at 1:34pm
Hi Jose,
Not sure if you remember me, I think we met years ago on a night out in DC with Luis Campillo and some others. I noticed that we have several more friends in common – DC really IS small – and I thought to drop you a line 🙂 How was your New Years? What’s new in your world?

Jose Contreras January 5 at 3:16pm

Hi Maria Fernanda,

Funny, I saw your profile the other day and was racking my brain trying to remember how we met. It would make sense that it be Luis Campillo. Great guy

My New Years was wonderful! I had dinner with friends in Georgetown, then headed to Columbia Heights for a party at another friend’s house.

How was yours? How did you enjoy our nice little blizzard?

Thanks for saying hi. DC really IS small. Perhaps we will bump into each other sometime. Maybe we can even make it happen on purpose? 😉

-Jose Contreras

Maria Fernanda Garcia January 5 at 9:18pm

New Years was fun! I went out to Muse with a girlfriend, and for the first time, rang in the New Year at a the club. It was like your usual night out on the town with the added pizazz of a masquerade theme. We were definitely worn out the next day, as there was nowhere to sit and rest, so I’d say that was the only downer.

I still can’t believe we got as much snow as we did! I spent all of the blizzard indoors. I was too scared to drive anywhere, since I the night before got caught in the early part of the storm, and had a terrifying experience driving home.

So instead, I baked oatmeal cookies and banana bread, made plenty of hot chocolate, and caught up on movies and tv shows. It was wonderful just watching all the snow come down from the comfort of my living room.

I think that we could make the “on purpose” happen 😉 What do you think?

– Maria

Jose Contreras January 6 at 12:03am

Oh no! What happened the night of the storm? I actually went sledding with some friends. I tried digging my car out the next day. What an adventure!

So you’re a baker? Hmm, that definitely comes in handy when it’s cold out.

Well if you want to bump into me on purpose, I’m planning to be at the Park on Fourteenth tomorrow for the LatinVIP 3 Kings Day celebration. Maybe I’ll bump into you there. If not, I’m sure we can make it happen sometime soon.

Where do you work? I’m working at the Dept of Labor near Capitol Hill. Maybe we’ll randomly bump into each other after work for happy hour sometime, 😉


Maria Fernanda Garcia January 6 at 5:03pm

Sledding!? ooh sounds like fun – I haven’t done that since my high school days. My school has THE best double hill for sledding (just ask Daniela). I guess if it can count as sledding, my car did a lot of skidding that first night … my small 2-door car just doesn’t have the traction for all that snow.

I dabble in some baking here and there … I’m hardly a pro, but maybe one day I will get there! Although I’ve made banana bread enough times now that, in my dad’s humble opinion, I make a pretty mean loaf of bread. lol

I wish I could be downtown for happy hour tonight, sounds like it will be a fun event, and I haven’t been to a LatinVIP event in a while. I’m training for a half-marathon that I’m registered for at the end of the month, so I already had planned to hit the gym after work today.

I work for a non-profit in Rockville, so I have to plan my DC happy hours a couple of days in advance to make sure I leave work in time and beat some of the traffic. But there’s never a shortage of happy hours; so if not tonight, maybe we can bump into each other “on purpose” at another 😉

– Maria

Sent via Facebook Mobile

So, there you have it!! Enquiring minds wanted to know how we met. Now the official story is out there. No need to check in with Perez Hilton or check the tabloids. The official story is out there for all to see!

6 thoughts on “How We Met

  1. Jose, for 14 years I witnessed first hand the trials and tribulations you endured in search of true love. As you know, I NEVER liked your choice in women, but Maria, oooohhhhhh, Maria. When I met her I was pleasantly surprised. She won an award when she came out to a crazy night on H St. NE and I lost my transformers keys (and Maria is in the bar, cell phone out looking). And she won me over in West Virginia when we just chilled with some beers in the hot tub – a simple, yet powerful “get-to-know you” moment. I am extremely elated for the two of you. One of my best buds and a wonderful man found true love and in the process, I gained a sister who just happens to be AWESOME! I wish you LOVE, SUCCESS, HAPPINESS, and even a few bumps in the road (that is how a relationship is built). Thank you for inviting me to partake in what will be the greatest night of your life.

  2. Hi guys just got to read the entire enchilada! haha, but Jose when I firts met you it gave me joy to see how happy Maria was at the time, after spending some time at home, I told her ( Maria I give him 6 moths tops but I am telling you he will propose by Christmas if not before ). and so it was. there will be many bumps, wrinkles, and smooth sailing just remember to share them with the same intensity that your love is share at this time. Love you both and wish all the happiness that you both deserve.

  3. Jose and Maria, I will predict they will have a son named Jesus. All kidding aside, love the webpage and love the first picture. Where was the picture taken? I concur with Al, Jose was on a bumpy roller coaster in the quest for love. My “Son”, I am glad I was there durings your lows and of course during the great highs too. Maria, since I first met you, I knew you were the one for Jose. I even told him right away, “don’t let this one get away.” He said, “I won’t Tio Scrooge.” I would like to share some unrelated advice for you guys, DON’T RUN IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, you guys are lucky I had good brakes, I almost ended both of you guys at the same time. Steve

  4. You guys are so cute – this warmed my heart <3 – Your love is so natural for one another so pure and beautiful <3

  5. Dear Maria and Jose, we are so excited to share in your big day, and we know that this will be a blessed marriage. Congratulations and thank you both so much for including us on your wedding day!
    Salud and Love,
    Karen and Flavio! 🙂

  6. Jose you know I witnessed first hand the up’s and down’s you experienced in love! Since I first met Maria I told you she’s a keeper! Im happy you have found your better half!

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